노르망디의 미국 낙하산병 - 미 82 및 101 공수부대

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Personal stories told on location .
Forrest Guth (101st Airborne Division) at the farm where he. had his first engagement of World War II
Hiesville, where a paratrooper of the 101st Airborne Division is giving C-rations to the locals.
Hiesville: behind this plague General Maxwell D. Taylor, CO of the 101st Airborne Division, established his first Headquarters here at 9 am, June 6th, 1944
Personal belongings of Colonel William E. Ekman Commanding Officer 505th PIR, 82nd Airborne Division, in Museum Carentan
Personal belongings of Colonel William E. Ekman
Commanding Officer 505th PIR, 82nd Airborne Division, in Museum Carentan
Personal belongings of Colonel William E. Ekman
Commanding Officer 505th PIR, 82nd Airborne Division, in Museum Carentan
First liberated village by elements of the 101st Airborne Division: 
Sainte Marie du Mont, June 6th 1944
The same village on the same morning as the previous picture: Paratroopers 101st Airborne Division posing in front of monument of World War I
Turqueville crossroads: Paratrooper Wilbur Shanklin (101st AB Div.) with a German prisoner.
Farmhouse in Ravenoville where elements of the 101st AB Div. knocked out a mobile German Battery
The same farmhouse in Ravenoville after the fight: American Paratroopers posing with captured Nazi-flag
Amfreville: monument for 150 American Paratroopers under command of Lt. Colonel Timmes, 82nd Airborne Division who fought for several days trying to reach their HQ at La Fiere Bridge.
The orchard where 
Lt. Col Timmes was surrounded by ennemy forces, and refused to surrender.
Monument for Richard "Dick" Winters, representing every officer who led their men in battle, instead of "sending them" ...
German Battery at Crisbecq, a serious thread to Utah Beach
The Garden of Remembrance, near Picauville
Crashsite of one of the 6 C47 Skytrains that crashed near Picauville
Monument at Picauville center.
Monument at Picauville center.
"Just" another monument for a shot-down C-47 Skytrain
Hill 30, part of the high grounds around Sainte Mère Eglise
The Wall of Remembrance, made by a local, who witnessed the raging battle around his house back in 1944, while being just a 10-year old kid.
Bridge at Chef-du-Pont: the other bridge behind Sainte Mère Eglise......
Bridge at Chef-du-Pont..
La Fière Bridge: 
Statue of Iron Mike, representing all the American Paratroopers who fought so hard to re-establish freedom in Europe after 4 years of Nazi-regime.
Exitroad nr. 2, leading off Utah Beach, to be secured by the 101st. Airborne Division
Monument for the first Paratroopers to hit Normandy soil: pathfinders of the 101st Airborne Division, landed at 00.16 hrs, June 6th , 1944
Crashsite of C47 Skytrain near Beuzeville au Plain.
Then & Now: same crashsite now.....
Monument for C47 Skytrain of Company Commander Lt. Thomas Meehan and his "stick" of paratroopers, that crashed at 1.12 hrs midnight.
Little plague in Fresville, to remember the brave actions of individual paratroopers in liberating the vicinity around Saint Mère Eglise on June 6th, 1944
The forgotten paratroopers of Normandy: read the book about the tragedy in Graignes....
Fresville, manoir de Grainville, where Bill Tucker and 12 of his men walked into an ambush
Fresville: monument for Bill Tucker and his men.
Church of Sainte Marie-du-Mont, small stories form the huge European Theater of Operations
Monument for the brave men of the American 4th Infantry Division, landed at Utah Beach, led by Teddy Roosevelt jr., to relieve the positions taken by the Paratroopers, 6 hours prior to their landing.
Inside Townhall of Sainte Mère Eglise: the original American flag, presented after the liberation of this village, by American Paratroopers.
Sainte Mère Eglise: La Fiere Bridge. Statue of Iron Mike, overlooking the Merderet River and the flooded area around La Fière Bridge......
Personal stories told on location .
Forrest Guth (101st Airborne Division) at the farm where he. had his first engagement of World War II
Hiesville, where a paratrooper of the 101st Airborne Division is giving C-rations to the locals.
Hiesville: behind this plague General Maxwell D. Taylor, CO of the 101st Airborne Division, established his first Headquarters here at 9 am, June 6th, 1944
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