골웨이 역사 도보 투어

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Watching St. Patrick's Day Parade at Galway Cathedral
Galway hosts approx 120 festivals and events each year. Festival performer here at the recent Galway International Arts Festival.
The Due Drop Inn pub where you can enjoy craft beers and spirits.
Tour-leader Ger with US guests.
The Galway Cathedral is Europe's newest stone cathedral completed as recently as 1965.
Wales tourist group with Ger from WTT
Old Galway sailing boat at rest in Claddagh dock
Family group from Maryland at the Galway Cathedral - Europe's newest stone cathedral!
The Statues of Galway tour
The memorial to former President John F Kennedy who visited Galway in 1963 is located in at the John F Kennedy park on the main Square.
Sailing boats lit up in green for St Patrick's weekend!
St Patrick Day at traditional Galway pub
Small group Tour to Galway training centre with tour-leader, Gerard
The Bank of Ireland, early Victorian building at Eyre Square.
Galway in green montage
The 700 yr. old St Nicholas's Colligate Church is still a very imposing structure with lots of history!
View of Fisheries Watch-Tower from Wolfe Tone bridge
Happy travellers at the Courthouse Square, Galway
The Tribes of Galway banners at Eyre Square
On the leadup to the St Patrick's Day festivities, the Latin Quarter in Galway's old-town is alive with activity.
View the many swans adjacent to the old Claddagh fishing village and the Long Walk.
Ger Considine Tour Guide and selection of guests on the Poetry Plaques of Galway city Walking Tour
Group view of the Traditional Claddagh boats docked in Galway
The 2 Gers and friend! - Regional Tour Guides Ger Considine and Ger Mangan in Clifden.
New pedestrian Bridge at Galway Cathedral.
The Galway Hop on/off Tourist Train is a voiced 45mi tour Route between the city and Salthill Resort. For those short on time, another great way to see bothe the city and the tourist resort!
Fẚilte Ireland approved Tour Guide, Ger Considine with happy visitors to Galway at the popular tourist attraction, the Lynch Memorial window.
Naughton's Pub and Restaurant, Quay Street.
The Claddagh Ring is an iconic symbol of Galway. Dillion's Jewellers & Museum in Quay St. are the original makers.
The Spanish Arch, Spanish Parade, Galway
One of the many Wall-Murals of Galway, this one to coincide with Galway's International Arts Festival held each in mid-July.
The former Pro-Cathedral, Middle St. decommissioned prior to the opening of he New Galway Cathedral in 1965.
The Town Hall Theatre hosts many Druid Theatre company productions throughout the year.
Galway City Museum at Galway's Old Town
This Georgian-style building, Mayoralty House was previously occupied by numerous Mayors of Galway.
Franciscan Chapel on the Historical tour route
Hardiman Hotel, Eyre Square front entrance
Interior of Franciscan Friary church in Francis Street.
An Taibhdhearc, Ireland's only Irish-language theatre located in Galway city.
The Corrib Princess River Cruiser docked at Wood Quay in the city is available for individual and small groups to cruise the river Corrib.
The old Presbyterian Church off Eyre Square.
The Quin-centennial Fountain erected at Eyre Square in 1984 to mark the 500th anniversary of the establishment of Galway as a city.
These old cannon guns used in the Crimean War by the Connacht Rangers were once located in Eyre Square in the city.
View across the fast-flowing River Corrib at O'Brien's Bridge.
Our visitors find a leisurely stroll along the Long Walk, where the Corrib river meets the sea is very relaxing !
Early Victorian building at Eyre Square, formally a Gents Country Club
An early morning pre-Christmas scene at the Latin Quarter, Galway
The Hall of the Red Earl is an old archaeology city site from from the De Burgo period. It was rediscovered in recent years and is a very popular visitor attraction on our city Tours.
Snow on nearby mountains
Western Tours Guide at the green-lit sailing boats in Galway dock for St Patrick's Day 2025
Watching St. Patrick's Day Parade at Galway Cathedral
Galway hosts approx 120 festivals and events each year. Festival performer here at the recent Galway International Arts Festival.
The Due Drop Inn pub where you can enjoy craft beers and spirits.
Tour-leader Ger with US guests.
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The Hardiman
1 시간 55 분
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이전에 이 티켓을 예약한 23명의 여행자가 작성한 리뷰에서 5점 만점에 4.6점의 평균 평점을 받았습니다.

이 액티비티는 다음 1개의 언어로 제공됩니다: English. 이 액티비티의 언어는 영어입니다.

총 투어의 정원은 15명입니다.

출발지 주소는 Eyre Square, Galway, Ireland입니다.

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액티비티 소요 시간은 약 1 시간 55 분입니다.

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photo of view of Cathedral of Our Lady Assumed into Heaven and St Nicholas, Galway, Ireland.Galway Cathedral


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