Ring of Kerry & Valentia Island의 개인 투어

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Monument to USA Airmen 1944
With Skelligs in the Background
Just about to part Company 
 after a Wonderful two day Tour of Ring of Kerry Valentia island, Dingle & Slea Hd Drive
 On the Mainland before taking the boat to Valentia Island
English Group on the Cliffs
Group of Young Golfers U.S.A.
Atlantic Ocean
Four Lovely Ladies on Tour
 Happy Family from the States
Dingle Map
Fair well Day
Beaufort Golf Course
Car Park at The Lake Hotel
Wireless Point Valentia Island
Sea Rescue off the Lighthouse Valentia
Portmagee Cliffs
My Friends on Top of the Lighthouse
More Views from the Splended Portmagee Cliffs
Transatlantic Cable Valentia Island to Newfoundland
Old Graveyard
Fresh wind blowing on the CLIFFS
Valentia Lighthouse
Dingle Bay from the Lighthouse
Avondale B&B One of my Bed & Breakfast Houses in Killarney that I stay in
On Lighthouse Tour
Lighthouse Keepers on Tour
My Race Horse " Charlie"
An other Picture Lighthouse Keepers on Tour
The Transatlantic Cable 1886
More Views of the Ring of Kerry
Some of the Views to see on Tour
Two People enjoying the Tour
Derynane Strand in View
Meeting old Friends
Heiratage meeting
ex Lightkeepers/Friends on Tour
Dancing on the Old Crossroads Dancing Base
Where the First Atlantic Cable entered the Sea
Family Looking where first Atlantic Cable entered the Water
Liner about to leave Harbour
Part of the north side of the Ring of Kerry
If the Hat Fits wear it
Noreen & Family on Tour
Monument to USA Airmen 1944
With Skelligs in the Background
Just about to part Company 
 after a Wonderful two day Tour of Ring of Kerry Valentia island, Dingle & Slea Hd Drive
 On the Mainland before taking the boat to Valentia Island
English Group on the Cliffs
유럽 최다 상품군 보유
최저가 보장
무료 취소



Killarney Town Council


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