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Museo del Romanticismo, Justicia, Centro, Madrid, Área metropolitana de Madrid y Corredor del Henares, Community of Madrid, SpainNational Museum of Romanticism
Photo of Crystal Palace in Retiro Park,Madrid, Spain.Palacio de Cristal
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Cortes, Centro, Madrid, Área metropolitana de Madrid y Corredor del Henares, Community of Madrid, Spain티센보르네미차 미술관
Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía국립 소피아 왕비 예술센터
Museo del Aire, Latina, Madrid, Área metropolitana de Madrid y Corredor del Henares, Community of Madrid, SpainMuseum of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Photo of Side view of the Cathedral of Saint Mary the Royal of La Almudena on the blue sky background with white clouds in Madrid, Spain. Madrid is a popular tourist destination of Europe.알무데나 대성당
photo of aerial view of the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial near Madrid, Spain.엘에스코리알
Estanque Grande de El Retiro, Jerónimos, Retiro, Madrid, Área metropolitana de Madrid y Corredor del Henares, Community of Madrid, SpainGreat Pond of El Retiro
Photo of Plaza de España in Seville Spain.스페인 광장
Parque de Atracciones de MadridParque de Atracciones de Madrid
Photo of the Santiago Bernabéu aerial view football stadium in Madrid, Spain.에스타디오 산티아고 베르나베우
Plaza Mayor, Sol, Centro, Madrid, Área metropolitana de Madrid y Corredor del Henares, Community of Madrid, Spain마요르 광장
Matadero MadridMatadero Madrid
photo of the Puerta de Alcala is a monument in the Independence Square at morning in Madrid, Spain.푸에르타 데 알칼라
Parque Warner Madrid, San Martín de la Vega, Las Vegas, Community of Madrid, SpainParque Warner Madrid
Photo of the Royal Palace of Madrid through the gardens, Spain.마드리드 왕궁
La Casa EncendidaLa Casa Encendida
Photo of Mercado San Miguel in Madrid, Spain. Mercado San Miguel of Madrid is one of the most popular landmark in Madrid, Spain.San Miguel Market
Photo of The Temple of Debod is an Egyptian temple donated by Egipt to Spain in 1968 in gratitude for the help provided in saving the Abu Simbel temples.Temple of Debod


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