Angers travel guide

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Introduction to Angers

Home to more than 157.2 thousand people and the magnificent Château d'Angers, Jardin des plantes d'Angers, and Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d'Angers, Angers is an adventure awaiting you. With a unique historical background and an incredible variety of natural and architectural beauty, Angers is a highlight in France. This commune in Maine-et-Loire, Pays de la Loire, France is a travel destination with plenty to offer curious travelers.

Traveling to Angers is especially rewarding for anyone eager to connect with locals and learn more about their unique culture and traditions.

Easily accessible, Angers is the perfect base for a memorable and unique vacation in France any time of the year. Before booking a flight to Angers, it's helpful to know that the city observes the UTC+01:00 time zone.

Explore this culturally-rich city and easily plan your trip to France. For an enriched understanding of the city’s cultural tapestry and local events, you might want to consult the official website of Angers.

History of Angers

The city of Angers, located in western France, boasts a rich history that dates back to prehistoric times. Initially settled by the Andecavi tribe, it became a part of the Roman Empire and witnessed significant growth.

In the Middle Ages, Angers became the capital of the Anjou province, which later played a crucial role in the Hundred Years' War. The city's famous landmark, Château d'Angers, was built during this period and stands as a testament to its medieval past.

During the 19th century, Angers experienced industrial growth, particularly in the textile industry, which brought prosperity to the city. The city also suffered during World War II, but it has since rebounded to become a vibrant destination full of historical and cultural attractions.

Today, Angers is known for its fine wines and is a hub for education and research, reflecting its ever-evolving history and enduring charm.

Local culture and customs in Angers

Angers, the capital of the Anjou region in western France, boasts a rich cultural heritage infused with a vibrant modern lifestyle. The locals, known as Angevins, are known for their warm hospitality and laid-back attitude.

A trip to Angers would be incomplete without experiencing its thriving wine culture. The city is surrounded by vineyards producing some of the best wines of the Loire Valley, and wine tasting is a cherished local tradition. Additionally, local cuisine, which features dishes like 'Rillauds d'Anjou' and 'Quernons d'Ardoise', is a gastronomic delight.

The city is also steeped in art and history, with its well-preserved medieval architecture and numerous museums. Locals take pride in their cultural heritage, and it's customary to respect these historical sites. Angers hosts a number of cultural events and festivals throughout the year, including the Premiers Plans film festival and the Accroche-Coeurs street arts festival. Participation in these events is a great way to immerse oneself in the local culture.

Lastly, do remember that the French value their language. While many Angevins speak English, making an effort to speak a few words of French will be appreciated.

Currency information for travelers in Angers

The official currency in Angers, France, is the Euro (€). Cash, especially small denominations, is commonly accepted in most places, but credit cards are highly preferred. Major credit cards such as Visa and Mastercard are widely accepted, though American Express may not be accepted in some establishments. ATMs are available throughout the city to withdraw cash if needed.

Although Angers is not as expensive as Paris, it's still important to budget carefully as costs can add up quickly, especially with dining and entertainment. Tipping is not mandatory but is appreciated for good service. Consider purchasing a city tourist card for discounts at various attractions and public transportation. Always inform your bank of your travel plans to avoid any potential card blocking.

Language tips for travelers in Angers

In Angers, like most of France, the primary language spoken is French. While many locals, especially in tourist areas, speak some English, it's beneficial to know a few basic French phrases. Greetings such as 'Bonjour' (Hello), 'Merci' (Thank you), and 'Excusez-moi' (Excuse me) can go a long way in building rapport. Use 'Parlez-vous anglais?' (Do you speak English?) before starting a conversation in English.

Keep in mind that French etiquette appreciates using formal language ('vous' instead of 'tu') with strangers. Additionally, English-speaking movies and TV shows are usually dubbed in French, which could be a fun way to familiarize yourself with the language. Don't be afraid to use translation apps or carry a phrasebook for those trickier conversations.

Best time to visit Angers

The best time to explore Angers, France, is during the late spring and early summer months, from May to June, when the weather is warm and pleasant, with average temperatures ranging from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. This period offers the perfect conditions for outdoor activities and sightseeing, with the city's parks and gardens in full bloom. The crowd levels are also relatively low compared to the busy summer season, providing a more relaxed and enjoyable experience. Additionally, the 'Accroche-Coeurs' festival, a major cultural event in Angers, takes place in September, turning the city into a vibrant stage for street performances, music, and art installations. However, if you prefer a quieter visit and don't mind the chilly weather, the late autumn season (October to November) offers unique opportunities to enjoy the picturesque autumn foliage in the city's parks, with fewer crowds around. Remember to pack suitable clothing according to the season, and make reservations in advance to ensure a smoother trip.

Weather in Angers

Angers, located in the Loire Valley of France, is characterized by a temperate oceanic climate. This results in generally mild and comfortable weather conditions throughout the year. Winters are usually chilly but not extreme, with temperatures typically ranging from 2°C to 6°C. However, occasional frosts can occur, so it's advisable for travelers to pack warm clothing.

The summer season is warm and pleasant, with average temperatures between 20°C and 25°C, although heatwaves can push the temperature above 30°C. Rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year, with the highest precipitation usually occurring in November and December. Spring and autumn offer a mix of mild and cool conditions, with beautiful foliage in the parks of the city during autumn.

Despite the occasional showers, the climate in Angers is generally favorable for outdoor activities. However, travelers are advised to check the weather forecast before planning their trip to this beautiful city.

Local tip for visiting Angers

While Angers is known for its majestic châteaux and vineyards, locals often suggest a lesser-known pleasure: the city's vibrant farmers markets. An insider tip from Angers’ residents is to visit the Place du Pilori or Place de la Laiterie early in the morning. These markets are brimming with local produce, artisanal cheeses, and fresh pastries, offering a taste of the region’s gastronomic richness. Engage with the vendors, as they are usually happy to share stories, tips for preparing their produce, and sometimes even a free sample. This experience not only allows you to savor the local flavors but also offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the everyday life of the Angevin people. Remember to bring your own bag, as locals do, to carry your finds and help reduce plastic waste.

Top services in Angers

On this page, you'll find all the top travel services in Angers, France. Enjoy the convenience of planning and booking every detail of your trip to Angers, including flights, accommodations, activities, and more, in one place.

Discover the cheapest and most popular flights offered by a variety of airlines that fly to France. Check out the best things to do in Angers by browsing over 11 top-rated tours available to you in the city. Compare the rates and services of the 4 types of stays and 9 car rental companies offering CDW insurance coverage.

Experience the best of Angers with an expertly curated and fully customizable itinerary. Get answers to questions about the routes and services offered in Angers from our free 24/7 customer support. We make it easy for you to find and book every detail of your trip to Angers with this travel guide.

Continue reading this Angers travel guide to learn how you can enjoy a stress-free and memorable vacation in the city of Angers!

Learn more about France

With destinations such as Angers, a trip to France needs no further explanation. Spanning over 643,801 square kilometers, France is an expansive playground of discovery, offering a wealth of diverse landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and captivating experiences awaiting exploration. From bustling metropolises to historic towns and modern urban hubs, France has something to enchant every traveler.

In Angers alone, travelers are spoiled for choice with an array of experiences and world-famous attractions such as Château d'Angers, Jardin des plantes d'Angers, and Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d'Angers. Thus, a trip to France becomes essential. Whether you're drawn to historical sites, natural wonders, or vibrant cultural experiences, France offers an abundance of treasures waiting to be discovered.

There's so much to explore and uncover in France. Click or tap the link below to discover more about France and its offers.

What to see in Angers

Photo of city of Angers in France, tourist landscape and castle of the Loire.

Expect an exhilarating journey through Angers, a haven brimming with attractions to suit every traveler’s taste. From historical landmarks to natural wonders, and delectable cuisine, Angers offers an abundance of experiences waiting to be discovered. Dive into this ultimate Angers travel guide to uncover must-visit spots and get the scoop on what makes the city so special.

Top attractions in Angers

With its blend of traditional and modern culture, Angers is more than just a wonderful city in France. It's a hub for diverse experiences, boasting top attractions that range from historical landmarks to modern marvels, offering a glimpse into France's rich heritage and innovative spirit.

One popular place to visit in Angers is the unforgettable Château d'Angers. Considered one of the most well-known attractions in the city, a visit to this spectacular travel destination is something you shouldn't miss on your trip to Angers. This remarkable attraction is located at 2 Prom. Du Bout du Monde, 49100 Angers, France, and is open for visitors Monday - Sunday, between 10:00-17:30.

For more information about what you can expect during a vacation in Angers, check out our list of top attractions below. Discover the best places to visit in Angers, including the fascinating Château d'Angers, Jardin des plantes d'Angers, Cathédrale Saint-Maurice d'Angers, Balzac Park, and Saint Nicolas park.

Map of attractions

Take a closer look at the city map below for the exact locations of all the top attractions in Angers.

Things to do in Angers

Photo of Terra botanica  Angers , France.

You've explored Angers's top attractions and marked them on your map. So now, it's time to delve deeper and discover the top things to do in Angers. These activities not only offer excitement and adventure but also provide unique insights into the city's culture and heritage. Take your experience to the next level by checking out the best sights with a knowledgeable guide, embarking on fun adventures unique to Angers, or learning more about the city's rich history and traditions.

Discover the most popular tours and experiences in the city below.

Most popular experiences in Angers

A visit to Angers gets more exciting with memorable experiences. And the city is just perfect for that, with plenty of fun activities. Adventure Tours, Self Guided Tours, Wine Tasting Experiences, and more are just some of the options you could explore to fully immerse yourself and make the most of your time.

In this travel guide, we've included some of the best things to do in Angers, adding a special touch to your journey in this vibrant city. Explore bustling markets, embark on scenic hikes, sample local delicacies, or immerse yourself in the rich history and heritage of Angers. Browse this diverse array of unforgettable experiences Angers offers and let your adventures begin!

Top tours & tickets starting in Angers

In Angers, travelers are spoiled for choice with a dazzling array of 17 categories of top-rated tours and tickets.

Angers also offers plenty of budget-friendly tours and activities that promise travelers a unique experience. Urban Escape Game for EVG EVJF in Angers, for example, is the cheapest Adventure Tour option in the city. This experience costs around 8 EUR.

Elevate your upcoming Angers adventure with unforgettable experiences by booking top-rated tours in the city. Uncover the finest tours, activities, and tickets awaiting you in Angers right below.


All Experiences in Angers

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Discover the best things to do in Angers. Choose from 11 fantastic tours and activities available in the city.

Select your dates and number of travelers in the search bar below to receive the best recommendations for your vacation in Angers. Click the green button to view your options and discover a variety of exciting things to do in Angers.

What to eat in Angers

Angers, a city in Western France, offers a culinary journey that will entice every food lover. The city boasts a variety of dining experiences, from bustling street food markets to refined high-end restaurants. In the heart of the city lies Place du Ralliement, one of the best places to eat in Angers, where you can find a plethora of dining options, including cosy bistros and gourmet establishments. Here, you can enjoy traditional Angevin dishes such as 'Quernons d'Ardoise', a blueberry almond nougat covered in chocolate, or 'Rillauds d'Anjou', slow-cooked pork belly. For a more immersive experience, the La Doutre district offers an array of street food, notably the scrumptious 'Galette Saucisse'. If you're looking for a high-end dining experience, head to Chez Rémi or Une Île, both known for their exquisite take on French cuisine. Don't forget to pair your meals with Coteaux du Layon or Savennières, local wines that perfectly complement the region's dishes. In Angers, every meal is an adventure, offering a taste of the city's rich culinary heritage.

Nightlife in Angers

The nightlife scene in Angers, France offers an eclectic mix of traditional and modern experiences. The best area for bars in Angers is the Doutre district, where old-world charm meets vibrant nightlife. Here, you will find lively student bars, traditional French bistros, and sophisticated wine bars nestled amidst cobblestone streets.

The Place du Ralliement is another hotspot, boasting a selection of trendy nightclubs and cocktail lounges. As the cultural heart of the city, it offers a unique blend of history and modernity, with the grand Théâtre d'Angers illuminating the square at night. Le James Joyce Irish Pub is a must-visit for its diverse range of beers and lively atmosphere.

For those seeking a unique night experience, venture to the Quai des Carmes. Here, the riverside terraces offer spectacular views of the castle, especially enchanting at night. Whether you prefer a chilled pint of craft beer, a rich glass of Anjou wine, or a night of dancing, Angers guarantees an unforgettable night.

Best Shopping in Angers

Angers, known for its vibrant shopping scene, offers visitors a mix of traditional boutiques, modern malls, and weekly markets. The city's shopping hub is the pedestrianized Rue Saint-Laud, where you'll find a blend of internationally recognized brand stores and local boutiques offering distinct Angevin fashion. Galerie Lafayette, an iconic department store, is a must-visit for fashion enthusiasts. For a more local touch, explore the arts and crafts shops on Rue des Lices, showcasing local craftsmanship and unique souvenirs. Don't miss the weekly markets at Place Leclerc and Place Molière, where local vendors sell everything from fresh produce to antique treasures. The Grand Maine Shopping Centre, on the city's outskirts, is the best place to go shopping in Angers if you prefer a consolidated retail experience. Shopping hours generally start around 10 am, with smaller boutiques closing for a few hours in the afternoon. Most shops are open from Tuesday to Saturday, with limited hours on Sundays and Mondays. To enhance your shopping experience, consider hiring a local guide to help navigate the city's labyrinth of shops and markets. Remember to keep some spare change for the charming café terraces that invite you to unwind after a fulfilling shopping spree.

Best free things to do in Angers

Discover Angers, a city rich in history and culture, without breaking the bank. One of the best free things to do in Angers is to visit the Saint-Maurice Cathedral, a gothic masterpiece that is as impressive outside as it is inside. Stroll along the banks of the Maine River and enjoy the picturesque views of the city and its castle. Nature lovers should not miss the Mail Garden, a space of tranquility in the city center, with its beautiful fountains and sculptures. Take a walk in the historic district of Doutre, known for its medieval architecture and charming streets. Visit the Angers Market, where you can immerse yourself in the local culture and taste the region's products. Lastly, don't forget to explore the Jean-Lurçat Museum, home to the famous 20th-century tapestry 'The Song of the World'. Even though the museum charges admission, it's free every first Sunday of the month. These are just a few of the countless free experiences that make Angers a must-visit destination.

Where to stay in Angers

Photo of Pont de Verdun, a bridge across the Maine river in Angers, France

An essential factor to consider when traveling to a new place or country is accommodation. While visiting a city as fantastic as Angers is always exciting, any avid traveler knows that accommodations often make or break the vacation experience. The best place to stay in Angers usually depends on travelers' needs and preferences. However, booking accommodations in central Angers offers a ton of benefits.

Staying in the heart of the city allows you to easily walk to many of the top sights and dining areas in Angers and cut down on your travel expenses. Centrally located accommodations are also an excellent choice for travelers in Angers planning to go on a quick tour or drive to the neighboring regions.

In Angers, you'll find 4 different types of places to stay, catering to every taste, budget, and reason for travel. For example, honeymooners or travelers on a romantic getaway in France can experience the ultimate relaxation at one of the luxury hotels in Angers. Travelers whose purpose is sightseeing can also find plenty of mid-range and budget-friendly hotels in the city, allowing access to many of the top attractions in Angers.

Learn more about the most popular places to stay and the top-rated hotels in Angers in the following sections.

Popular types of accommodation in Angers

A trip to Angers means opportunities to relax at any of the 4 different types of places to stay in the city. While each type offers varying amenities and rates, there is no denying that Angers provides a great selection of lodging options ready to cater to every kind of guest.

Among all the choices available in the city, Appart'City Angers is one of the top picks of travelers in Angers. Appart'City Angers is a stay with an average rating of 4604 stars out of 5 from 4 guests. The vacation rental apartment is located at 57 rue de Rennes and boasts many great utilities, including free wi-fi, 24-hour front desk, and bar.

Budget accommodations are also incredibly popular among travelers in Angers. Cheaper alternatives allow travelers to save on accommodation costs and have more to spend on other experiences.

In Angers, travelers looking for an economical yet top-rated place to stay usually choose Iena. For approximately 60 EUR, guests can book a comfortable Double Room at this popular hotel, which also offers room service, family rooms, and more.

Below is a list of all 4 different types of places to stay in Angers. Select the type you prefer to compare options under each category and find the best accommodation.

Top hotels in Angers

Hotels are travelers' go-to accommodations in Angers for the unique experience they provide. Besides offering basic amenities, many hotels in Angers provide meals and extras, such as shuttle services, spa facilities, tour desks, and other services. But because not all hotels in Angers are created equal, finding the best in the city often requires careful research. For your convenience, we've done all the research to make it easier for you to check out all the top hotels in Angers.

If comfort, convenience, and affordability are your non-negotiables, check out De France, the top 4-star hotel in the city. When all you need is a pleasant place to rest and sleep in between your activities in Angers, the highest-rated 3-star hotel, Continental Hotel, is for you.

Below is our hand-picked list of the best hotels in Angers. Travelers are encouraged to book early, as these hotels quickly reach capacity. Click the arrows or swipe the list to see each hotel's ratings, reviews, locations, rates, and more. You can read detailed descriptions of each hotel in Angers by clicking the cards.


All Hotels in Angers

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Search for accommodation in Angers

Finding the perfect stay for your visit to Angers is made easy with our search tool. With just a few clicks, explore a range of available hotels and accommodations, complete with prices and amenities for easy comparison. Simply input your check-in and check-out dates, along with the number of guests and rooms needed. Start planning your trip to Angers effortlessly now!

Car rentals in Angers

Photo of bridge and cathedral St Maurice Angers, France.

To navigate Angers effortlessly, renting a car is an excellent choice. With your own wheels, you can explore every nook and cranny of the destination without relying on public transportation and even venture off the beaten path. On our website, you'll discover a selection of over 9 car rental companies in Angers, ready to provide you with the perfect vehicle for your travels.

Automatic cars for rent in Angers start at 38 EUR per day or 266 EUR per week. The cheapest automatic rental car is a Peugeot 208. If you prefer driving a manual car, you'll find multiple options for rent in Angers, starting at 37 EUR per day or 256 EUR per week. The cheapest manual rental car is a Renault Twingo.

Learn more about the different types of cars you can rent in Angers, France below.

Popular types of cars for rent in Angers

Renting a car in Angers is a popular choice among travelers who want to explore the city at their own pace. A wide variety of popular car rentals are available to choose from in Angers, ensuring you find the best car for your travel plans.

Check out all the options available and book your car rental in Angers for your upcoming adventures in France below. All car rentals come with CDW insurance for added protection throughout your trip.

Search for car rentals in Angers

Get ready to hit the road and explore the beautiful city of Angers. Find the best deals on a variety of popular car rentals in Angers, France, or any other destination in Europe by using the search tool below.

Enter your pick-up and drop-off location, driver's age, and dates. Click the green button to view your options.

Popular destinations to visit after Angers

Photo of Loire river close to Angers, France.

The city of Angers is just one of the many unique and scenic destinations you can visit in France. So if you're itching for another cultural adventure, a relaxing road trip, an action-filled city break, or a memorable weekend getaway, know that France has it all.

Each destination in France offers something unique to experience! Take the opportunity to visit other captivating places in France that are as magical as the city of Angers. The most popular travel destinations in France are listed below. Click on the name of the place you want to explore next to learn more about it.

All the best destinations in France

When unsure about where to go next, use the map below. This map shows the locations of all the best destinations in France. Use the map to plan your trip and find the best routes.

Transportation in Angers

Situated in Western France, Angers provides a variety of transportation options to its visitors. The city is primarily served by the comprehensive Irigo public transit system. This network includes buses, trams, and 'CityBikes,' a public bike-sharing scheme perfect for exploring the city's many cycle-friendly routes. Tram Line A is particularly useful for tourists, as it connects key points such as Saint Laud train station and the city center.

Taxis are also readily available throughout Angers and can be hailed on the street, booked in advance, or picked up from taxi ranks at major transport hubs. For those who prefer to drive, numerous rental car companies operate in the city, providing the flexibility to explore Angers and the surrounding Loire Valley at your own pace.

Lastly, the city offers a unique transportation experience with the 'Navette', a small electric bus that operates in the pedestrianized city center. It's an environmentally-friendly way to navigate the narrow streets and historic districts of Angers, and it's free of charge.

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