Hotel Negy Evszak Superior
Hotel Negy Evszak Superior provides access to many popular attractions in and around Hajdúszoboszló. You can find Hotel Negy Evszak Superior at Jókai Sor 13. , approximately 11.9 miles (19.2 km) from the incredible デブレツェンのプロテスタント大教会, and 11.9 miles (19.1 km) from the spectacular デリ博物館.
Hotel Negy Evszak Superior is approximately 10.4 miles (16.7 km) from デブレツェン, the nearest airport. As a guest at Hotel Negy Evszak Superior, you have the option to request pick-up or drop-off at the airport, as the ホテル provides an airport shuttle service for an additional fee. Guests are welcome to check in at the ホテル starting from 14:00 and check-out by 11:00
Your safety is important at Hotel Negy Evszak Superior. That is why the premises are equipped with surveillance cameras, 24-hour security, and other safety measures. Fire extinguishers and smoke alarms are strategically placed within the property. Smoking is not allowed within the property, but there is a designated area for smoking.
Make Hotel Negy Evszak Superior your home away from home during your stay in the 町 of Hajdúszoboszló, ハンガリー. Select your dates and book your stay now!
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