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To have dominion in the Mediterranean to conquer the Seas it was necessary to have fast ships, to know how to produce many and above all quickly all things that the arsenal could do very well
The particular construction techniques that made it possible to build ships so fast and powerful and resistant were real military secrets that had to be protected in any case and at all costs.
Venice a unique city: It was for a long time a true military political power
ruler of maritime traffic in particular with the Orient capable of even keeping up with the expansion of the powerful Ottom
 Venice is a dream
Venice seems very small but between these canals and Palaces an incalculable wealth has been concentrated not only of art and architecture but also of historical events that have made Venice a unique
In Christian iconography, in the history of art and in popular costume, the lion and the various heraldic attributes depict the virtues of Venice.
Palazzo Ducale
- the lion, especially if with the tail raised, represents majesty, power and strength
- the wings identify the spiritual elevation towards God
At that time there were no communication systems that we know today
and we really started the adventure, without knowing if we were going to face a sudden storm and without being able to ask for help
The routes on which the Venetian galleys sailed were
of the true highways of wealth
Building Bridges
work by Lorenzo Quinn
The quality control on the raw materials and also the standardization of many production practices, recall the criteria of the modern factory
The Arsenale is the only part of Venice surrounded by a sturdy city wall intended to protect the secrets that made the Serenissima great
the Arsenale is the first example of an assembly line in history: in fact the organization of the work, the division into the different departments.
ARSENALE Few foreigners were allowed to visit it: it was a super organized production system capable of churning out three ships a day, the first example of an assembly line in history.
It is said that in 1574, under the eyes of the future King of France Henry III these men were able to build an entire galley in the time of a banquet
Arsenale for 400 years would only expand reaching impressive dimensions for the time
Shortly after 1200 a decisive step, gathering concentrate, organizing the experience the skill the knowledge of dozens of small businesses in a single place of public property.
ARSENALE It is worth discovering what was the real first large factory of the past
before the Arsenale the ships were built in small shipyards scattered throughout the city the so-called squeri:
We will then finish “in style” with a panoramic cruise along the Grand Canal (= the widest waterway of Venice, with its century-old palaces and bridges), as well as the minor evocative canals
The Arsenale is the place where the strength of Venice originated, it is a place that is basically little known, outside the tourist circuits
To have dominion in the Mediterranean to conquer the Seas it was necessary to have fast ships, to know how to produce many and above all quickly all things that the arsenal could do very well
The particular construction techniques that made it possible to build ships so fast and powerful and resistant were real military secrets that had to be protected in any case and at all costs.
Venice a unique city: It was for a long time a true military political power
ruler of maritime traffic in particular with the Orient capable of even keeping up with the expansion of the powerful Ottom
 Venice is a dream



Fondazione Querini Stampalia
3 時間
英語、 イタリア語、 フランス語 、 スペイン語




アクティビティ全体の所要時間は、およそ 3 時間です。

このエクスペリエンスの出発点はFondazione Querini Stampaliaです。探索の途中で、地元のトップアトラクションのいくつかを見ることができます。近くのヴェネツィアには、地元で最高の観光地がいくつかあります。


アクティビティは4言語で提供されています: 英語、 イタリア語、 フランス語 、 スペイン語です。


出発地の住所はCampo Santa Maria Formosa, 5252, 30122 Venezia VE, Italyです。

始発のツアーの出発時刻は10:00です。最終便の出発時刻は15:00です。アクティビティの所要時間はおよそ3 時間です。

このチケットのキャンセル ポリシーは次のとおりです: 全額返金をご希望の場合は、出発予定時刻の少なくとも 24 時間前までにキャンセルしてください。。







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