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4 klst. 30 mín.


Skapaðu ógleymanlegar minningar í fríinu þínu í Grikklandi með þessari ferðaupplifun sem fær okkar bestu meðmæli. Þessi siglingarferð er ein hæst metna afþreyingin sem Santorini hefur upp á að bjóða.

Siglingarferðir eru á meðal vinsælustu afþreyingarmöguleikanna hjá ferðamönnum í Grikklandi, og þú vilt ekki missa af þessari upplifun í fríinu þínu.

Öll upplifunin tekur um 4 klst. 30 mín.

Upphafsstaður þessarar afþreyingar er Santorini. Meðan á ævintýrinu stendur færðu að sjá nokkra af vinsælustu ferðamannastöðum svæðisins. Meðal hápunkta þessarar ferðar eru Port of Santorini (Athinios Port), Thirasia (Therasia), Santorini Hot Springs, and Nea Kameni. Í nágrenninu býður Santorini upp á einna bestu áfangastaðina til að skoða. Nea Kameni eru nokkrir af þeim eftirlætisstöðum sem þú vilt ekki missa af.

Port of Santorini (Athinios Port) and Oia eru nokkrir vinsælir og áhugaverðir staðir á leiðinni, svo þú færð einstakt tækifæri til að skoða þá í návígi.

Afþreyingin er í boði á 1 tungumálum: English. Tungumál þessarar afþreyingar er enska.

Heildarstærð hópsins fer ekki yfir 10 ferðalanga.

Þessari upplifun fylgir sá valkostur að vera sótt(ur) á stað að eigin vali, eins og á hótel eða annan staðTrue.

Öll upplifunin varir um það bil 4 klst. 30 mín.

Reglur um afbókun þessa aðgöngumiða eru eftirfarandi: Fyrir fulla endurgreiðslu, afpanta að minnsta kosti 24 klukkustundum fyrir áætlaðan brottfarartíma.

Gerðu meira úr fríinu með því að bóka þessa einstöku upplifun. Veldu ferðadagsetningarnar þínar og tryggðu þér miða áður en þeir klárast!

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photo of the museum façade, Athens, Greece.Hellenic Motor Museum
Museum of Byzantine CultureMuseum of Byzantine Culture
photo of Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece.Benaki Museum
photo of Historical Museum of Crete, Heraklion, Greece.Historical Museum of Crete
photo of Museum of the History of the Olympic Games of Antiquity by Joy of Museums, Olympia, Greece/Museum of the History of the Olympic Games of antiquity
photo of Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens, Greece .Byzantine and Christian Museum
photo of Cycladic idol .Museum of Cycladic Art
photo of Inner courtyard of the Archaeological Museum of Rhodes town, Greece, Europe.Archaeological Museum of Rhodes
Museum of the Olive and Greek Olive Oil, Municipality of Sparta, Laconia Regional Unit, Peloponnese Region, Peloponnese, Western Greece and the Ionian, GreeceMuseum of the Olive and Greek Olive Oil
photo of view Goulandris Natural History Museum, Greece.Goulandris Natural History Museum
Photo of the National Archaeological Museum in Athens houses the most important artifacts from a variety of archaeological locations around Greece from prehistory to late antiquity.National Archaeological Museum
photo of view Tsambika beach with golden sand - view from Tsambika monastery (RHODES, GREECE).Tsambika Beach
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Hosios Loukas Holy Monastery, Κοινότητα Στειρίου, Δημοτική Ενότητα Διστόμου, Δήμος Διστόμου-Αράχοβας-Αντίκυρας, Regional Unit of Boeotia, Central Greece, Thessaly and Central Greece, GreeceHosios Loukas Holy Monastery
Church of St. Demetrios, 3rd District of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki Municipal Unit, Municipality of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki Regional Unit, Central Macedonia, Macedonia and Thrace, GreeceHoly Church of Saint Demetrius
photo of view of Monastiraki Square 6, Athens, Greece.Monastiraki Square
Medieval City of RhodesMedieval City of Rhodes
photo of view of Venetian fortress Koules in Heraklion, Crete, Greece.Venetian Walls of Heraklion
photo of view of Philopappos Monument in Athens, Greece..Philopappos Monument
Photo of aerial drone panoramic view of iconic landmark Aristotelous square in the heart of Thessaloniki or Salonica, North Greece.Aristotelous Square
Manto Mavrogenous Statue, Municipality of Mykonos, Mykonos Regional Unit, South Aegean, Aegean, GreeceManto Mavrogenous Statue
Photo of the Temple of Olympian Zeus (considered one of the biggest of the ancient world), Greece.Temple of Olympian Zeus
photo of view ofSpianáda,Corfu Greece.Spianada Square
Aqualand Corfu Water Park, Δήμος Κέρκυρας, Corfu Regional Unit, Ioanian Islands, Peloponnese, Western Greece and the Ionian, GreeceAqualand Corfu Water Park
photo of view of Achilleion palace in Corfu Island, Greece.The Achilleion Palace
photo of view of Building of Greek parliament in Syntagma square, Athens, Greece.Syntagma Square
photo of view of Temple of Hephaestus in Ancient Agora, Athens, Greece.Temple of Hephaestus
Old Venetian port of Chania, District of Chania, Chania Regional Unit, Region of Crete, GreeceOld Venetian Port of Chania
photo of Theatre of Dionysus below Acropolis in Athens,Greece,Athens Greece.Theatre of Dionysus
Ancient Theatre of the Asklepieion at Epidaurus, Community of Asklipieio, Municipal Unit of Asklipieio, Municipality of Epidaurus, Argolis Regional Unit, Peloponnese Region, Peloponnese, Western Greece and the Ionian, GreeceAncient Theatre at the Asclepieion of Epidaurus
Throne of Helios, Municipality of Rhodes, Rhodes Regional Unit, South Aegean, Aegean, GreeceThrone of Helios: The History of Rhodes 9D Experience
photo of view of Eugenides Planetarium, Municipality of Palaio Faliro, Greece.Eugenides Foundation New Digital Planetarium
photo of view of The ruins of ancient Thira, a prehistoric village at the top of the mountain Mesa Vouno, Santorini, Greece.Ancient Thera
Allou! Fun Park, Municipal Unit of Agios Ioannis Rentis, Municipality of Nikaia-Agios Ioannis Rentis, Regional Unit of Piraeus, Attica, GreeceAllou! Fun Park
Choragic Monument of LysicratesChoragic Monument of Lysicrates
photo of Akrotiri,Akrotiri Greece.Akrotiri
Lido Water Park, Municipality of Kos, Kos Regional Unit, South Aegean, Aegean, GreeceLido Water Park
AMAZONAS PARK, Municipality of Neapolis, District of Agios Nikolaos, Lasithi Regional Unit, Region of Crete, GreeceAMAZONAS PARK
Photo of the Odeon of Herodes Atticus Roman theater structure at the Acropolis of Athens, Greece.Odeon of Herodes Atticus
Minoan Palace of Knossos, 4th Community of Heraklion - South, Municipality of Heraklion, Heraklion Regional Unit, Region of Crete, GreeceKnossos Palace
Paradise Beach, Mykonos Regional Unit, South Aegean, Aegean, GreeceParadise Beach
Photo of the Parthenon that is a temple on the Athenian Acropolis in Greece.Meyjarhofið í Aþenu
photo of Old Fortress and Marina in Corfu, Corfu Island, Kerkyra, Greece,Corfu Greece.Old Fortress of Corfu
Armenistis Lighthouse, Municipality of Mykonos, Mykonos Regional Unit, South Aegean, Aegean, GreeceArmenistis lighthouse
photo of Gate of Athena Archegetis and remains of the Roman Agora built in Athens during the Roman period, Athens, Greece,Athens Greece.Roman Forum of Athens (Roman Agora)
Acropolis of Rhodes, Municipality of Rhodes, Rhodes Regional Unit, South Aegean, Aegean, GreeceAcropolis of Rhodes
CRETAquarium Θαλασσόκοσμος, Municipality of Anopolis, District of Chersonissos, Heraklion Regional Unit, Region of Crete, GreeceCRETAquarium Thalassokosmos
Photo of Rhodes Fortress or Palace of the Masters on Rhodes Island, Greece.Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes
Temple of Apollo In DelphiDelphi


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